Process description
The CarbonCapt-GreenMeth technology is innovative and cost effective method of green methanol production . As one of the most perspective CCU options, it is synthesized from CO2, captured by CarbonCapt chemical absorption unit, and hydrogen, obtained under electrolysis process in CarbonCapt-HG (HydroGen) PEM-electrolyzer, which is the further rollout of proprietary CarbonCapt-EDM technology.
The main advantage of the Proton Exchange Membrane electrolyzer, compared to traditional alkali electrolyzer is that, there is no alkali solution in the process, and solid polymer membrane is used instead for long-term and smooth operation. The solid polymer membrane is capable to transport the protons, while it is gas-tight and does not have electrical conductivity. Thus, the only component, obtained at the anode side of membrane as a result of H2O decomposition, which is capable to intrude to the cathode side of the membrane is Hydrogen in the form of cation H+ (proton). At the cathode side 2 pcs of protons and 2 pcs of electrons combine and create 1 molecule of H2. It is very important to mention that the only process impurity to Hydrogen obtained is water in p.p.p. concentration, so our CarbonCapt-HydroGen unit provides for 99,99% pure hydrogen production without any impurities and contaminants, which affect the equipment operation. We offer the Modular design units, installed in the 40" containers, which provide for fast delivery, easy installation at site and long-term trouble-free operation for decades.