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Home/Technology solutions/CarbonCapt-RAD



The further development of CarbonCapt LP concept is our newly designed and built CarbonCapt Rotary Absorber & Desorber (RAD) modular unit. The principal benefits of this innovative unit are as follows:

  • CarbonCapt RAD was specially designed for chemical absorption of CO2 at the source of emission,
  • Prompt and precise RAD manufacturing and careful fabrication in the workshop, based one well proven and reliable design, fast delivery and smooth commission on site,
  • Technical maintenance is short-term, due to all RAD unit internals are easily available and exchangeable,

CarbonCapt RAD concept is well suited for Modular design and easily scalable. No construction CAPEX, no absorber / desorber columns, no blocked trays inside and no long lasting stoppages for its cleaning and maintenance.

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