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 CarbonCapt process of CO2 capture is one of the Post Combustion CCUS technologies and designated especially for the global cement plants. After dust precipitation in ESP or Bag filter the flue gases come to CarbonCapt plant for further treatment.

CarbonCapt advanced chemical absorption technology implies chemical absorption of gaseous CO2 by highly selective amine-based solvent and executed in three principal stages:

1. First stage - Gas flow COOLING by water. After leaving the ESP / Bag filter the flue gases are drawn up through the cooling column, where the nozzles are installed for water injection. As a result the temperature of flue gases falls down to 65-70°C. The diameter and height of the Cooling Column and the number of water injecting nozzles depends upon the volume and temperature of the exhaust gases, drawn through the Cooling Column. It can vary from project to project.

2. Second stage - CO2 ABSORBING by highly selective absorbing solvent - FLEXOL-Carbostrip. The cooled down flue gases are drawn through the Absorber Column. The multiple trays of a very specific design are installed inside the Absorber Column for the absorber solvent better mass exchange with the CO2. The absorber solvent is pumped to the 2nd vertical tray and pours slowly downstairs from one traya to another thus the chemical absorption of CO2 is taking place and the CO2-rich solvent is obtained. The diameter and the height of the absorber column very much depends upon the flue gases volume, the reactivity and selectivity of the absorbing solvent, partial pressure of CO2 and the solvent circulation factor.

 There is a thumb rule: the lower the temperature of the flue gases and the higher the pressure in the Absorber Column, the more effective process of CO2 stripping is taking place, but in certain cases this rule is not the case: we would strongly recommend to develop the basic engineering and perform the individual project calculations for every project in order to decide what is the most suitable process for the project in question, economically- and operation-wise. 

3. Third stage – DESORBING of CO2 from the CO2-rich absorbing solvent. The extraction of carbon dioxide from the CO2-rich FLEXOL-CarboStrip solvent is being made by the solvent temperature increase. As a result the 97-99% gaseous CO2 returns to gaseous state and is drawn, dried, and liquefied at the liquefaction station. The FLEXOL-CarboStrip solvent is cooled, cleaned, regenerated and pumped back to the top of the Absorber Column for further circulation.

Today we offer two versions of CarbonCapt technology:

CarbonCapt HP (High Pressure) process with FLEXOL-CarboStrip A4 (Advanced Amine Activated Absorbent) as a solvent, as well as CarbonCapt LP (Low Pressure) process, where FLEXOL-CarboStrip A5 (Advanced Amino-Acid Activated Absorbent) is used. Both versions are cost and energy effective and provide for low CAPEX and OPEX.




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